The Pavement Management Program focuses on improving pavement management through the analysis of pavement data. Research focuses on improving the durability, safety, and efficiency of pavement materials and structures within both economic and environmental constraints.
Researchers in the Pavement Management Program have extensive expertise in the following areas:
- pavement rehabilitation (maintenance),
- design,
- implementation, and
- pavement management systems.
Cooperative Relationships/Sponsors
In addition to the vast capabilities at TTI and Texas A&M, researchers also draw on the resources of several national and international centers located in the division. Established through partnerships with private industry and other institutions, these centers focus on more specific issues in the areas of materials and pavements. These include the International Center for Aggregates Research, the By-Products Utilization and Recycling Research Center, the Center for Infrastructure Engineering, and the Center for Asphalt and Materials Chemistry.
The program has a strong working relationship with and conducts research for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), as well as other state highway agencies. Additionally, private industry, municipalities, foundations, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the National Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other federal agencies are research sponsors.
For More Information
Bryan WilsonTexas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
TTI Headquarters
1111 RELLIS Parkway
Bryan, TX 77807
(979) 317-2331 x
[email protected]